WORTH 1,00,000 PRIZE
LFR Championship: Path to Sustainability
A championship that combines the thrill of Line Following Robotics with a strong message of environmental responsibility and renewable energy. The event can include tasks, obstacles, and themes that promote sustainability while challenging participants’ technical skills.
Day 1: Qualifier Rounds
Simple Line Following Task + Quiz
- Track Description:
- A basic black-line track on a white background with curves.
- There will be a few intersections (T-junctions) and stopping zones to test line-following capability.
- Tasks:
- Line Following: Robots must follow the line precisely from start to finish.
- Stop at Charging Points
Day 2: Final Round – Advanced Track Challenge
Advanced Track Description:
- A more complex black-line track featuring:
- Curves and Zigzags: To test IR sensor calibration and smooth movement.
- Intersections and Loops: Robots must detect and follow the correct path at intersections.
- Dynamic Obstacles: Include simple moving objects (like motorized gates or barriers).
Tasks and Features:
- Line Following with Decision Points:
- The track includes T-junctions or forks where the robot must decide the correct path using pre-programmed logic (e.g., always turn left).
- A stopping zone
- Energy Grid Connection (Interactive Task)
Bonus Points:
- Robots that successfully complete all obstacle tasks & follow the sustainable path to get bonus points.
- Smooth transitions at intersections and precise stops at charging stations earn extra points.
- Fastest completion without errors gains additional rewards.
Equipment Utilized:
- IR Sensors
- Arduino Uno/Nano
- Chassis Motors and Motor Driver
- LEDs and Buzzer
Key Highlights:
- 500+ students to participate in the Line Follower Robotics Championship
- All participants will get a Certificate of Participation from Techradiance in association with ECell IIT Delhi.
- Worth INR 100,000 to be awarded to winning teams.
Topics Acceptable:
Line Follower Robotics, Solar & Smart Energy Systems or any other Robotics relevant field, we welcome your ingenuity. Prepare yourself to join the League of Line Follower Robotics by aligning your projects with the evolving demands of various sectors.
- Closed Rounds: Participants who secured positions from 1st to 4th and hold Merit Certificates in the Zonal Rounds of Techradiance Championships across India are eligible for registration in the Closed Rounds of the Techradiance Final Round.
- Open Rounds: Participants with participation certificates from the Zonal Rounds are eligible to compete in the Open Rounds and all enthusiasts and interested individuals are encouraged to register for the Open Round, regardless of prior participation.
Join us in shaping the future of technology through Line Follower Robotics challenges and creativity. Let’s embark on this journey together towards a brighter, more innovative tomorrow!
Competition Venue:
- IIT Delhi
Entry Fees (For Techradiance Zonal Winners):
- For Indian Residents: INR 300/- (Inclusive GST) per student.
- For Non-India Residents: USD 30 per student.
Registration Fees for Open Round:
- For Indian residents: INR 700/- (Inclusive GST) per student.
- For non-India residents: USD 40 per student.
Registration Mode: Online
Robot Design
The participating robot must be two-wheeled, autonomous and wireless. Robot should be built on a chassis of circular or rectangular shape with dimensions not exceeding Length: 25 cm X Width: 15 cm X Height: 8 cm. Maximum weight of the robot should not be more than 3kg.with all components mounted on it.
Components Allowed:
- Arduino: Nano or Uno.
- IR sensors: Maximum up to 5.
- Motor driver: L298N/L293/L293D or similar.
- BO DC motors: 2 (Maximum 300 RPM).
- Caster wheel: 1.
- Battery Specifications: Batteries should be sealed, immobilized electrolyte type (gel cell, lithium, NiCad, or dry cells).The electric voltage anywhere in the machine should not be more than 12 V DC at any point in time for the robot.
- The robot must be autonomous and wireless.
- Movement should not be limited to only one direction; the robot must be capable of moving in all directions.
- No wireless communication between the robot and participants is allowed. Bluetooth, RF Module, etc., are not permitted on the robot.
- No use of PID programming.
Materials and Construction:
- Any robotic parts/building material can be used as long as the robot meets the above specifications.
- The design and construction must be primarily the original work of the team; ready-made robots (LEGO, Pre-Programmed) are not allowed to compete in the championship.
Note: Participants must ensure that their robots adhere to these specifications to be eligible for the Line Following Robot, any robots not following the guidelines may lead to disqualification.
- All the lines should be in Black.
- External Power Supply is not allowed.
- Every team will get only one attempt.
- All teams will be given preparation time before starting the competition.
- Four teams will compete at a time.
- Selected teams will qualify for the next round.
- Participants cannot touch the machine or the Arena during the task. During the game, team members are not allowed to touch the Robot, failure to do so can lead to Disqualification.
- Robots should only be built according to the robot specifications mentioned above; any innovation and creativity within the limits will be considered.
- Dimension marks will not be included in the final setup of the completion arena.
- For safety reasons, the machine must not contain any combustible, corrosive, or otherwise dangerous materials.
- The machines you have built will be first checked for size and safety.
- Any kind of damage to the arena will lead to disqualification.
- Judges have the right to disqualify any team if they feel the team is not playing with fair interest.
- Participants should not dismantle their robots before the completion of the whole completion as the machines might be checked by the organizers at a later stage to ensure that the participants have not violated any of the rules.
- Judges hold the right to disqualify a team whose conduct is found unfair
- The organizers have the right to change any or all the above rules as they feel fit.
- Bring All necessary materials or equipment (laptop, chargers, cables, hardware etc) as per competition needs, techRadiance will not be responsible to provide competition material. In case any component from your robotics kit is not functioning, same can be purchased from spare component desk (subject to stock availability)
- The Participating team should consist of 1-6 members, the team size should not increase by more than 6 members & register the team for the specified competition online on the official Techradiance website
- The participating team should have a prepared robot (as provided in workshops or with the specification given on the website).
- Participants from the same schools/institutions should form a team and in a Team, there can be participants from different Schools, Batches, Branches, or Years.
- Prepare a video of 1 minute to 5 minutes (maximum 100MB), showcasing team readiness, creativity, preparing for challenges, or anything to show passion to participate in the TechRadiance National Championship. Share the video either by email at contact@techradiance.in (via Google Drive or V transfer) or via WhatsApp at +91-7015568312/9667137548 mentioning your team’s name and school name.
- All videos will be uploaded on the Tecradiance YouTube channel. The top 3-5 Maximum views will have special recognition at the tournament.
Uploading your video to your school’s social media page and tagging Techradiance can enhance its visibility and engagement, potentially increasing your chances of receiving awards.
Awards & recognition:
₹1,00,000 + Certificate of Excellence + Internship Opportunity.
Best Organizer of the Series:
Awarded to one school for outstanding event organization.
Best Coordinator:
Awarded to the most dedicated teacher for exceptional coordination.
Best Accommodation of the Series:
Awarded to one school for excellent hospitality arrangements.
Certificates of Achievement:
All participants will receive a certificate recognizing their efforts.