Harbour Technologies is the Best Android App Development Course & Classes Delhi NCR. And we provide training on the latest technologies like AI, Ml, Data Science, Python, cad/cam, Total Station, web-designing, digital marketing, etc.
Android App Development, what is it?
The process of producing apps that can be used on smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches is known as “Android app development”, and it involves the use of the Android operating system. These Android apps are created using the Java programming language. If you’re interested in learning more about developing Android apps, Techradiance has a fantastic Android App Development Course in Delhi that covers everything from the fundamentals of Java programming to complex Android app development ideas.
Android App Development Course Delhi
Children who are interested in learning how to create Android apps can enrol in our Android App Development Course in Delhi. We teach everything from the fundamentals of Java programming to complex ideas in Android app development in our fun and interesting courses.
Android App Development Classes Delhi
Android Apps Development for 62 Classes
Introduction to the Android
- Android Architecture
- IO’s Vs Android
- Scope
- Understanding Android Studio IDE
- What is API Levels?
Understanding the Building Environment for Android
- Basic programming languages : Java and XML
- Front-End and Back-End concept
- Front-end Designing with XML
- Backend Designing with JAVA
- Practicing various design Layouts
- What are Layouts?
- What are Widgets?
- Working with different layouts: Linear, Relative
- Working with different Widgets: Text-View, Edit-Text, Buttons, Image-Views
- View etc.
- Practicing Layout Nesting on various Layouts
- Concept of Weight-sum and Gravity
Concept of Activity
- What are Activity and its Life-Cycle?
- Activity Designing
- Life-Cycle Practicing
- Concept Manifest File
- Registering the Activity in Manifest File
- Setting up the Android Virtual Devices
- Testing of Hello World Application
Concept of Intents
- What are Intents?
- Types of Intents: Explicit and Implicit
- Starting another Activity using both types of Intents
- What is Bundle?
- Sending Data from one Activity to another
- Building Camera application, fetching image using Intent
- What is Service
- Type of Service
- Difference between onBind and onStartCommand
- Background long process using service
Background long process using service
- What is Broadcast Receiver
- Implementation of Broadcast Receiver
- What is Notification
- Understanding Android Studio IDE
- Implementation of Notification
- What is Fragments
- Work with Fragments
- Benefits of Fragments
Rest API and JSON Parsing
- What is REST AP
- Network call
- JSON parsing
- Types of REST API
Developing Applications (PROJECTS)
Splash Screen Application
SMS Application
Speech-To-Text Application
Email Application
Text-To-Speech Application
Toast Application
Temperature Converter
Tic Tac Toe Game
Web Application
Quiz Game
To Do Application
Image Picker and Clicker
Sign Up and Login Application
App Sharing Application
Rest API Project
Swipe to Update Project
Android Apps Development for 30 Classes
Introduction to the Android
- Android Architecture
- IO’s Vs Android
- Scope
- Understanding Android Studio IDE
- What is API Levels?
Understanding the Building Environment for Android
- Basic programming languages : Java and XML
- Front-End and Back-End concept
- Front-end Designing with XML
- Backend Designing with JAVA
- Practicing various design Layouts
- What are Layouts?
- What are Widgets?
- Working with different layouts: Linear, Relative
- Working with different Widgets: Text-View, Edit-Text, Buttons, Image-Views
- View etc.
- Practicing Layout Nesting on various Layouts
- Concept of Weight-sum and Gravity
Concept of Activity
- What are Activity and its Life-Cycle?
- Activity Designing
- Life-Cycle Practicing
- Concept Manifest File
- Registering the Activity in Manifest File
- Setting up the Android Virtual Devices
- Testing of Hello World Application
Concept of Intents
- What are Intents?
- Types of Intents: Explicit and Implicit
- Starting another Activity using both types of Intents
- What is Bundle?
- Sending Data from one Activity to another
- Building Camera application, fetching image using Intent
- What is Service
- Type of Service
- Difference between onBind and onStartCommand
- Background long process using service
Developing Applications (PROJECTS)
Splash Screen Application
Music Player Application
SMS Application
Speech-To-Text Application
Email Application
Text-To-Speech Application
Toast Application
Temperature Converter
Scientific Calculator
Tic Tac Toe Game
Web Application
App Sharing Application
Android Apps Development for 30 Classes
Introduction to the Android
- Android Architecture
- IO’s Vs Android
- Scope
- Understanding Android Studio IDE
- What is API Levels?
Understanding the Building Environment for Android
- Basic programming languages : Java and XML
- Front-End and Back-End concept
- Front-end Designing with XML
- Backend Designing with JAVA
- Practicing various design Layouts
- What are Layouts?
- What are Widgets?
- Working with different layouts: Linear, Relative
- Working with different Widgets: Text-View, Edit-Text, Buttons, Image-Views
- View etc.
- Practicing Layout Nesting on various Layouts
- Concept of Weight-sum and Gravity
Concept of Activity
- What are Activity and its Life-Cycle?
- Activity Designing
- Life-Cycle Practicing
- Concept Manifest File
- Registering the Activity in Manifest File
- Setting up the Android Virtual Devices
- Testing of Hello World Application
Concept of Intents
- What are Intents?
- Types of Intents: Explicit and Implicit
- Starting another Activity using both types of Intents
- What is Bundle?
- Sending Data from one Activity to another
- Building Camera application, fetching image using Intent
Developing Applications (PROJECTS)
Splash Screen Application
Music Player Application
SMS Application
Email Application
Text-To-Speech Application
Toast Application
Temperature Converter
Scientific Calculator
Web Application
Android Apps Development for 15 Classes
Introduction to the Android
- Android Architecture
- IO’s Vs Android
- Scope
- Understanding Android Studio IDE
- What is API Levels?
Understanding the Building Environment for Android
- Basic programming languages : Java and XML
- Front-End and Back-End concept
- Front-end Designing with XML
- Backend Designing with JAVA
- Practicing various design Layouts
- What are Layouts?
- What are Widgets?
- Working with different layouts: Linear, Relative
- Working with different Widgets: Text-View, Edit-Text, Buttons, Image-Views
Concept of Activity
- What are Activity and its Life-Cycle?
- Activity Designing
- Life-Cycle Practicing
- Concept Manifest File
- Registering the Activity in Manifest File
- Setting up the Android Virtual Devices
- Testing of Hello World Application
Concept of Intents
- What are Intents?
- Types of Intents: Explicit and Implicit
- Starting another Activity using both types of Intents
Developing Applications (PROJECTS)
Splash Screen Application
SMS Application
Email Application
Toast Application
Temperature Converter
What importance does Android app development hold in today's world?
Importance of learning Android app development for kids
By enrolling in an Android App Development Course in Delhi, children can enhance their creativity, logical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. They can also gain valuable skills that will prepare them for the rapidly evolving job market, which is increasingly being driven by technology and innovation. At Techradiance, we offer an Android App Development Course in Delhi that is tailored to meet the unique learning needs of children. Our course is designed to help them build important skills that will be useful to them in the future, making it a worthwhile investment in their education and future career prospects.
Our online Android App Development Course for kids in Delhi are designed to be dynamic and intriguing since we believe learning should be fun. Our teachers are enthusiastic about what they do and dedicated to providing our kids with the best educational experience possible.
We provide a wide range of courses, including our Android App Development Course in Delhi and Android App Development Classes in Delhi. We offer training in the newest technologies, including web design, digital marketing, CAD/CAM, Python, AI, ML, Data Science, and Internet of Things Course. Our courses are created to give students the abilities and information necessary to thrive in the quick-paced digital world of today
We provide a wide range of courses, including our Android App Development Course in Delhi in our Android App Development Classes in Delhi. We offer training in the newest technologies, including web design, digital marketing, CAD/CAM, Python, AI, ML, and Data Science. Our courses are created to give students the abilities and information necessary to thrive in the quick-paced digital world of today.
Look no further than Techradiance for the best online coding programmes for children in Delhi. Our programmes are reasonably priced, adaptable, and created to support your kid’s success. To find out more about our programmes, including our Android App Development Course, and how we can help your child reach their full potential, get in touch with us right now
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Techradiance provide children's courses in Android app development in Delhi?
Yes, Techradiance offers educational programmes in Android app development course for children in Delhi.